
銷售熱線: 139 6410 5500

陶板 The ceramic plate

產品規格:300-1800?200- 600mm

產品型號:厚:15 ? 40mm











      陶板制品主要使用的原材料有陶土和加工助劑。陶土是呈多孔結構或片狀結構的水合氧化鋁或硅酸鎂,含有氧化鐵,氧化錳等化學成分,陶土與水混合后具有可塑性,干燥后保持外形,燒制可使其變得堅硬和耐久。我國主要的陶土大類有:高嶺石Al2SiO5(OH)4,伊利石/云母 KAl3 Si3O10(OH)4,蒙托石Al2Si4O10(OH)2。種類和可用性極大地取決于地質分布。不同的陶土具有不同的化學組成、礦物成分、顆粒大小以及可塑性,這些差別會直接影響烘干和燒窯的條件。這也是為什么來自不同生產商的類似產品會具有極大差異的原因。在原材料的制備中需要添加多種反應助劑,價格可能會非常昂貴。但是小小的用量(一般占總量的0.5%到2%)卻會帶來成品性質的極大改變。例如:化鹽改善可塑性和干燥強度,碳酸鋇減少表面發白,二氧化錳改變顏色的穩定等等。陶土原料制備不理想直接出現石灰斑,銹漬,開花,風化,表面外觀受影響,膨脹起泡,內有雜質,干燥與燒成出現裂紋及破損,色差,停工等一系列結果。














④ 陶板綠色環保,可循環再生的一種新型建筑材料。






















◇ 接縫寬度:垂直豎縫4/8mm,橫縫6?10mm

◇ 邊直度:-0.08%--- +0.06%;翹曲度0.03%-0.11%


◇吸 水 率:3?10%



◇抗 凍 性:經100次循環凍融后無裂

◇破壞強度:18mm厚度4.01KN, 30mm厚度6.64KN



◇收 縮 性:無


◇抗 震 性:超過10度抗震設防


◇斷裂模數:18mm平均16.5Mpa,最小14.4 Mpa;30mm平均18.5Mpa,最小18.0Mpa


Product specification: 300-1800 ~ 200-600mm
Product model: thick: 15 ~ 40mm
Product type: dry hanging ceramic board, wet paste ceramic board
Product color: red, yellow, black, gray and other 20 kinds
Date of manufacture: November 2015
Product qualification: qualified through inspection
Product inventory: consult manufacturer
Product price: negotiate with the manufacturer
Ceramic plate is the most modern curtain wall material in today's architectural field, with the advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, moisture-proof, sound insulation, breathable, rich color and luster, lasting as new, wide application range and so on. The use of dry hanging installation, easy to replace, to the design of the use of a more flexible facade design solutions, conducive to the beautification of the city and the building of life.
Ceramic plate production
Ceramic plate is natural clay as the main raw material, add a small amount of quartz, pumice, feldspar and other ingredients such as pigment, through high pressure extrusion molding, low temperature drying and the high temperature of 1200 ℃, with green environmental protection, no radiation, colour and lustre is gentle, will not bring to light pollution, etc. After the firing of the ceramic board due to thermal expansion and contraction will produce size difference, after high-precision mechanical cutting, and then after the inspection of qualified before supply to the market.
Ceramic plate materials
The main raw materials used in ceramic products are clay and processing AIDS. Clay is porous structure or flake structure of hydrated alumina or magnesium silicate, containing iron oxide, manganese oxide and other chemical components, clay and water mixed with plasticity, dry to maintain the shape, firing can make it hard and durable. The main clay types in China are: kaolinite Al2SiO5(OH)4, illite/mica KAl3 Si3O10(OH)4, montmorillonite Al2Si4O10(OH)2. The type and availability depend greatly on the geological distribution. Different clay has different chemical composition, mineral composition, particle size and plasticity, which will directly affect the drying and firing conditions. This is why similar products from different manufacturers can vary greatly. In the preparation of raw materials need to add a variety of reaction AIDS, the price may be very expensive. But a small amount (typically 0.5% to 2% of the total) can make a big difference in the finished product's properties. For example, salting improves plasticity and drying strength, barium carbonate reduces surface whitening, manganese dioxide changes color stability, and so on. The raw material preparation of clay is not ideal, which directly leads to stone spots, rust stains, flowering, weathering, surface appearance affected, expansion and foaming, impurities, drying and burning, cracks and damage, color difference, shutdown and a series of results.
Ceramic plate color
The color of the ceramic board can be the natural color of the clay after it is fired at high temperature. There are usually three colors of red, yellow and gray. The colors are very rich, which can meet the requirements of architectural designers and owners for the color selection of the external walls of buildings. The color is bright and translucent embellish wen wan, have affinity, durability is good. The natural texture of the panels and the timeless color of the clay greatly stimulated the interest of the owners and architects.
Environmental protection material
(1) by natural clay with quartz sand, after extrusion molding, high temperature calcined, no radioactivity, good durability.
(2) color: color is natural clay, natural color, bright, uniform, fadeless, durable, endow the curtain wall with lasting vitality.
(3) hollow structure, light weight, at the same time to increase the thermal resistance, play a role in insulation.
Performance is remarkable
(1) the technical performance of ceramic curtain wall is stable, the impact resistance is strong, to meet the requirements of the curtain wall wind load design;
(2) clay plate curtain wall high temperature, frost resistance;
(3) clay curtain wall flame retardant, safe fire prevention.
(4) ceramic plate green environmental protection, can be recycled a new type of building materials.
Ceramic plate light weight, never fade, always new
Reasonable structure
(1) combination installation design of the dry hanging system, in the case of local damage, ceramic plate can be replaced by a single piece, easy to maintain;
(2) the hollow structure of the clay plate makes the noise reduction effect good, light weight;
(3) the high strength of clay plate can meet the requirements of random cutting of different sizes.
Good compatibility
Ceramic curtain wall has a mild appearance, easy to use with glass, metal.
(2) clay plate curtain wall can reduce light pollution, increase the seismic resistance of the wall.
(3) clay curtain wall color warm soft, can increase the architectural humanities.
Easy installation
The design structure of the curtain wall with clay plate is reasonable and simple, which can meet the local design needs of the curtain wall to close the edge and close the mouth to the greatest extent. The installation is simple and convenient, which can keep the facade of the curtain wall coherent, natural and beautiful no matter in plane, corner or other parts.
Low matching cost
Due to the light weight of clay plate, the supporting structure of clay plate curtain wall is required to be more simple and lightweight than that of stone curtain wall, so as to save the supporting cost of curtain wall.
Classification of clay products
According to the structure, clay curtain wall products can be divided into single-layer ceramic board and double-layer hollow ceramic board and clay louver; According to the surface effect is divided into natural surface, sandblasting surface, groove surface, printing surface, corrugated surface and glaze. The hollow design of the double layer ceramic board not only reduces the self-weight of the ceramic board, but also improves the air permeability, sound insulation and heat preservation performance of the ceramic board.
Ceramic plate technical parameters
Seam width: vertical 4/8mm, horizontal 6 ~ 10mm
Edge straightness: -0.08%-- -0.06%; Warp degree of 0.03% 0.11%
Permeable gap: 2mm
Water absorption rate: 3 ~ 10%
18 mm thickness or less left dry weight: 32 kg / ┫, 46 kg / ┫ 30 mm thickness or less
Cardiac system weight: 47 kg / 18 mm thickness or less ┫, 30 mm thickness of 66 kg / ┫ or less
Frost resistance: no cracking after 100 cycles of freeze-thaw
Failure strength: 18mm thickness 4.01kn, 30mm thickness 6.64kn
Fire performance: the fire rating is A1
Acid and alkaline resistance: UA class
Shrinkage: none
Anti-uv: excellent
Earthquake resistance: over 10 degrees of seismic fortification
Wind pressure test: no failure after reaching 9kPa
Rupture modulus: 18mm average 16.5mpa, minimum 14.4mpa; 30mm average 18.5mpa, minimum 18.0mpa
Acoustic function: noise reduction of more than 9dB
上一個:沒有了! 下一個:寬粗條紋U型玻璃 Wide thick striped U - shaped glass



手機:139 6410 5500

銷售熱線:139 6410 5500



