
銷售熱線: 139 6410 5500

阿特金斯藝術博物館 Atkins museum of art

2007年建成開放的新館,是美國建筑大師Steven Holl的作品。Holl的立意是把新館設計成一個地下連貫的空間;而在地面上,通過五個造型各異的玻璃體(Glass Lenses),把自然光線引入展室。

阿特金斯藝術博物館的老館落成于1933年,是美國最著名的藝術博物館之一,就位于密蘇里州的堪薩斯城。2007年建成開放的新館,是美國建筑大師Steven Holl的作品。

Holl的立意是把新館設計成一個地下連貫的空間;而在地面上,通過五個造型各異的玻璃體(Glass Lenses),把自然光線引入展室。Holl特別擅長于空間的流動和光影的交疊,他想讓每一位觀眾在參觀展覽的同時,能對博物館的建筑也有一份獨特的感覺。因為新館采用了特殊的玻璃幕墻——U型玻璃,所以建筑的外表和古典風格的老建筑形成了鮮明的對比。夜幕下,晶瑩的建筑本身就是一件精美的藝術品。記得Holl自己說過,在他多年的設計生涯中,最大的掙扎就是如何使自己的作品能夠按照設計的意圖建成。且不說Holl最近10年在中國完成的項目,就是這個傾注了建筑師的心血,而且還得到博物館大力支持的納爾遜新館,在施工的精細方面,還是有些差強人意的。

Opened in 2007, it is the work of American architect Steven Holl. Holl's idea was to design the new building as a coherent underground space. And on the ground, through five different Glass Lenses, bring natural light to the room.
The old Atkins museum was opened in 1933. It is one of the most famous art museums in the United States. It is located in Kansas city, Missouri. Opened in 2007, it is the work of American architect Steven Holl.
Holl's idea was to design the new building as a coherent underground space. And on the ground, through five different Glass Lenses, bring natural light to the room. Holl is especially good at the flow of space and the overlapping of light and shadow. He wants every audience to have a unique feeling of the museum's architecture while visiting the exhibition. Because of the special glass curtain wall -- u-shaped glass, the appearance of the building is in sharp contrast to the classical style of the old building. At night, the glittering building itself is a fine work of art. Remember Holl said that in his many years of design career, the biggest struggle is how to make his works can be built according to the design intention. Apart from the project completed by Holl in China in the last 10 years, nelson's new museum, which has devoted a lot of architects' efforts and is strongly supported by the museum, is somewhat unsatisfactory in terms of the construction details.




手機:139 6410 5500

銷售熱線:139 6410 5500



